How to Get the Most out of Your Convention Experience

The school year is wrapping up and summer is here.  That means it’s time to pack your bags, load up the car, and head off for a wonderful… convention?!?  If you’ll be attending the AG Bell Convention or any other continuing education opportunities this summer, here are some tips for making the most of yourContinue reading “How to Get the Most out of Your Convention Experience”

WEBINAR 11/10/2015: More Than Just Ears: Hearing Loss, Balance, and Mental Health

Join me on Tuesday November 10, 2015 at 7PM EST for “More Than Just Ears: Hearing Loss, Balance, and Mental Health” a free webinar sponsored by Ear Gear and offered for continuing education credit from the International Hearing Society.  Register below!

All About Magnets

Whether you call it a coil, magnet, or headpiece, here are answers to your questions about the part of the cochlear implant processor that sticks to your head to communicate with the internal part of your device. 

[WEBINAR] More Than Just Ears: Hearing Loss, Balance, and Mental Health in Seniors

Please join me for a webinar on Tuesday June 16th at 7PM Eastern Standard Time.  More Than Just Ears: Hearing Loss, Balance, and Mental Health in Seniors is a FREE webinar sponsored by Ear Gear and accredited by the International Hearing Society for continuing education credit.  Coming this fall — stay tuned!

Ling Six Sound Check

If a hearing aid, cochlear implant, or Baha has good batteries, then it should be working, right?  Not so fast.  The Ling Six Sound Check is a simple tool we use to ensure that hearing devices are working and giving the listener access to the sounds of speech.  Six sounds, okay… what could be complicatedContinue reading “Ling Six Sound Check”

Cochlear Implant Evaluations: What To Expect, What to Ask

In past articles, I’ve discussed the cochlear implant process from candidacy to activation and beyond.  But what actually happens in a candidacy evaluation?  How do the professionals on your cochlear implant team decide who is a good candidate for the device?  What do all of these appointments really mean, and what questions should informed patientsContinue reading “Cochlear Implant Evaluations: What To Expect, What to Ask”

Hearing with Two Ears: A Balancing Act

There are a lot of reasons, research, and rationale to support the need for bilateral amplification for people with hearing loss.  It’s pretty much a “given” at this point in our field, though, sadly, there are still some insurance companies and even hearing healthcare professionals who lag behind the curve.  What should you consider ifContinue reading “Hearing with Two Ears: A Balancing Act”

Safety for People with Hearing Loss

Hearing technology can provide incredible access to sound for speech, language, cognitive, and social development.  However, one of the most basic reasons people choose hearing aids, cochlear implants, or Baha devices for themselves or for their children is more essential: SAFETY.  Awareness of environmental sounds for alerting and personal protection is one of the greatestContinue reading “Safety for People with Hearing Loss”

Success on the Job for Employees with Hearing Loss

Whether you’ve been hard of hearing all your life or are adjusting to life as a late-deafened adult, navigating the workforce with hearing loss can be a challenge.  How can you manage job interviews, communication challenges on the job, and determine appropriate accommodations?